“How many millionaires are here in china?” a question was recently asked. The answer from a google search revealed 6.2 million. "How did 6.2 million persons become millionaires from a population of 1.4 billion?" The answer is that they activated their entrepreneurial spirit and became entrepreneurs, investors, job creators and developers. One today can start the journey to become a millionaire using the DUT Townhouse Developer System.
A person on signing a DUT Townhouse Investment and Development Agreement (THIDA) and putting the capital required becomes a DUT Townhouse Developer. Based on the current THIDA and exchange rate of about $160, the first capital input through DUT Credit is about $155 and thereafter about $70 a month.

The DUT system on the other hand is a system of creating jobs. All capital inflowing into DUT is directed to creating jobs. This means the house will already have a user who can also be the buyer. The best explanation of the DUT system is how Diaspora Kenya travelled to the U.S and other parts of the World and got jobs and a house to live in that they took a mortgage to own. The home they live in is progressively paid by income from the job that is close to the home.

How does one become a millionaire using the DUT System?
Let’s use the example of development of a house completed in month 20 after capital input starts. The developer will have put in about $1,555 in 20 months.
At completion the value of the house will have the house sale value less loan outstanding at about $5,000. This means the $1,555 put in progressively will have grown to $5,000.
Just like the U.S jobs creators and houses developers created the jobs and sold the property; at month 20, the developer would sell and have the $5,000 made up of $1,555 invested and gain $3,445.

The developer would then apply the $5,000 in other jobs creation and property development plans started by DUT. If the developer puts the $5,000 into 10 units and all units are completed and sold in the next 10 months their $5,000 could grow to about $15,000.
A Diaspora person who makes over $50,000 a year can become a millionaire in the next 10 years if they make a decision to put in $5,000 a year in the next 5 years. A total of $25,000. The DUT systems would grow the $25,000 to become $1 million as the person develops even 200 houses and creates over 200 jobs through the DUT property developer and jobs creation systems.

In the next 10 years Kenya needs 6 million units of housing and over 20 million new jobs created. Those who invest in creating the jobs and developing the houses will be rewarded with the title of millionaire.
Just like the McDonald system created so many entrepreneurs and millionaires, so will the DUT system as it develops new towns, creates jobs through MSMEs and develops property.