Dr. Patrick Shompole of Pullman, WA; RN Bui Thuo of Los Angeles, CA; and, Joseph Miano formerly of Baltimore, MD held a Diaspora University Town (DUT) meeting at Kiserian, Kajiando County. The team is part of the group working on the Medical Hospital plan that will improve healthcare in Kenya.
One of the ways to advance healthcare is to have a good fresh quality meal. The team advanced their healthcare through a meal of roasted goat meat and other entrees that energized and sharpened their minds as they advanced the DUT Medical Hospital Plan.

Diaspora University Town Medical Hospital plan is a plan to build a hospital and achieve seven goals as follows: Improve healthcare in Kenya; expand healthcare needs as Kenya population expands to 60 million by 2030; decrease children deaths by working with mothers and parents; create 5,000 new jobs at Diaspora University Town and 10,000 across Kenya; create education opportunities in health sciences that young Kenyan adults who turn 18 years can be trained on, to sustain healthy communities and nation; to grow Kenya Gross Domestic Product (GDP); to be part of Kenya disaster management; and, to contribute to the expansion of tourism from the U.S to Kenya.

The Medical Hospital Plan includes building a medical hospital building; opening medical departments, units and clinics; providing medical services; setting operational, medical and patients standards; progressive research; production, sourcing and meeting the need of medical equipment and medical supplies; opening school of nurses, medicine and other training to meet the progressive staff needs; and other needs that are part of making a good hospital.

The Diaspora Kenyans who have worked in the U.S healthcare system that is a developed system have broken down the attainment of the DUT medical hospital plan to plans of companies, departments, clinics and services as follows: Medicine and Vaccines, Emergency, Intensive/Critical Unit, Inpatient Observation, Cancer, Surgery, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Psychiatric, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Spiritual care, Admission Discharge, Pharmacy, Environment and Biohazard, Food, ICT, Medical Waste Management, Geriatric, Hospice Care, Case Management, Infectious Diseases Control, Pediatric, Trauma, Occupational Therapy, Laboratory, Spine, Respiratory, Dental, Ambulance, Medical Records, Medicine & Medicine safety, Social Work & Interpreters, Autism Care, Funeral Home, Medical Research, Disability Care, supplies and equipment, training through Diaspora University & Other Institutions, and other.
The team continues to grow and next time they meet in Kajiando there could be more than 200 medical professionals advancing the development of the DUT Medical hospital plan to achieve a hospital similar to a top hospital in the states in the U.S.