
Total 60 Posts

Dr. Jackson Waweru Showcases Diaspora University Town in PCEA Expo, Nairobi

Dr. Jackson Waweru, a Diaspora University Town (DUT) founder and investor, led a team of DUT in showcasing DUT at the PCEA Sukari Parish Business Expo in Nairobi. Dr. Waweru was joined by Jackson Kimanzi and Gladys Akelo of DUT. The team, through DUT flyers, presented to over 500 persons.

Bishop Mwawasi Present Diaspora University Town at Atlanta, GA USA

Bishop Donald Mwawasi, a Diaspora University Town (DUT) founder and investor, is presenting DUT at Atlanta, GA in the USA. He is part of the Diaspora Kenyans working toward having Diaspora Remittances come to Kenya to create jobs. There are about 10,000 Diaspora Kenyans living in the Atlanta region.

Developing a Townhouse at Diaspora University Town

3,500 townhouses at Diaspora University Town (DUT) will be developed and financed through long term mortgages. Any person can become a townhouse developer through a DUT - Townhouse Investment and Development Agreement (THIDA). The DUT-THIDA creates a system of developing property that ensures the right of a clean and

Prof. Mutisya Visits Delaware to Progress Diaspora University & Africa Development

Prof. Philliph Mutisya paid a visit to the State of Delaware in the U.S to progress the Diaspora University and Africa development. He met with Sam Nambiosi, an Engineer with extensive expertise in IT system automation. Sam worked at JP Morgan bank. The two talked about the Diaspora University

Diaspora Kenyans Market DUT 20,000 Jobs Creation & 3,500 Townhouses Development Plan for Gen Z

Diaspora Kenyans are marketing the Diaspora University Town (DUT) 20,000 jobs creation and 3,500 Townhouses Development plan. At the close of November, about 100 Diaspora Kenyans already in DUT will receive, issue 10,000 flyers and talk to fellow Diaspora Kenyans to join them in creating jobs and

The Success Story of Housing in Singapore incorporated in DUT

The success story of housing in Singapore is incorporated in the Diaspora University Town (DUT) development plan. From 1961 to 1965 the citizens of Singapore built 51,000 housing units as they refused to live in slums. The effort led to thousands of jobs created and the growth of Gross

Eva Iringo DUT Clothing MSME of Dress to Express

“In life, three basic needs are fundamental: food, shelter, and clothing,” said Eva Iringo as she presented the DUT clothing MSME of Dress to impress. She said the Food Industry, Real Estate Industry, and Clothing Industry form the backbone of human survival and development. She added, “Clothing stands out as
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