Total 37 Posts
DUT 15,000 Jobs Creation & Ksh 150 Billion New Wealth.
Diaspora University Town (DUT) is progressing to create 15,000 jobs, a university with 5,000 students, a town that is home to 25,000 residents and 300 MSMEs. The DUT projects are: Diaspora University; Diaspora Medical Hospital; Diaspora University Town; Daktari Biotechnology Ltd, for medicines and vaccines; DUT Credit
Low Jobs Creation in Kenya not Because of Lack of Money
Asked why there is low jobs creation in Kenya, most Kenyans will say it is because of lack of money. Prof Michael Ginzberg, WPI Business School Dean Emeritus statements made during two zoom meetings make this answer wrong. The professor showed Kenyans that they have money and advised Diaspora Kenyans
Create Two Jobs & Develop a Townhouse with $100 a Month at DUT.
My name is Dan Kamau. I lived in Worcester, MA, U.S. I wrote the book, “Gambling with Destiny.” I started the Diaspora Kenya's online and print magazine, “Jamhuri Magazine.” I joined the WPI U.S – Africa Business Conference organizing committee. I established the Master Development Plan for university and
6 Ways DUT is helping Diaspora Kenyans Plan to Relocate Back to Kenya
Diaspora University Town (DUT) will help over 3,000 Diaspora Kenyans relocate back to Kenya. The project of developing a university and a town was started by Diaspora Kenyans in Worcester, MA USA, is currently progressing in Taita Taveta County. Dan Kamau, the project director, is a former Diaspora Kenyan.
1,500 Jobs at DUT for Diaspora Kenyans
Diaspora University Town (DUT) is a jobs creation, housing development and gross domestic product (GDP) growth project. The DUT Master Development Plan (MDP) is conceptualized based on the systems that have created jobs, developed houses and grown GDP to $28 trillion in the U.S. The DUT-MDP will create 15,
Rose Githinji of Knoxville, TN, USA Creates Jobs for Kenyans
Rose Githinji, a founder of Diaspora University Town (DUT) sent three young Kenyans, Gibson Irungu, Stanley Wahoro and Dennis Karuga to explore opportunities at DUT. Rose Githinji and her son Brian Mungai are DUT Townhouses Developers, DUT Credit Ltd Shares investors and Daktari Biotechnology medicine and vaccine investors. They are
Ndara B Community 28 Companies & Diaspora University Town (DUT) Founding
Ndara B Community is a community formed through their registered Community land. The community is estimated to have over 3,000 adults and 7,000 children. There is a quote that says, “Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice; Destiny is not a matter of chance, it