When a Kenyan is in an airplane headed to the U.S and U.K to leave there for the first time their brain explores so many different possibilities. One question that will bombard the brain is: Will I get a job? The answer is a simple, Yes! There are so many jobs abroad. The question the traveling Kenyan never asks himself or herself is: Who created these jobs?
Diaspora University Town (DUT) project is a jobs creation, houses development and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth project that was created by Diaspora so Kenyans can get jobs in Kenya.
It is a project developed based on the human resource productivity approach that has in the last 40 years, since 1980, progressed the growth of the World Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from about $18 trillion to over $80 trillion.
The progressing project at Taita Taveta is developed by Diaspora Kenyans, Ndara B Community and Partners with a goal to achieve Kenyans social and economic constitution rights of food, housing, healthcare, education, information communication technologies, clean environment, children rights and others through jobs creation.
The DUT jobs creation plans include: University, Town, Medical Hospital, Medicine Vaccine Plant and 500 Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
20,000 Jobs will be created as these plans are implemented. A town settlement of 30,000 residents developed. The university town development plan will develop a town GDP of about Kshs 20 billion ($200 million).
The 30,000 residents of the town will benefit from the housing plan that is based on Kenya Constitution 43. (1) Every person has the right— (b) to accessible and adequate housing, and to reasonable standards of sanitation. (d) to clean and safe water in adequate quantities.
One of the projects development systems is called a THIDA. This enables a person in the Diaspora to become a developer of a house.
Through integration system of jobs creation and houses development those getting jobs created at the Diaspora University Town will accessible and adequate housing through THIDA.
The THIDA system is setup to ensure no slums and unclean, unhealthy environment results.